Programming Web Applications with Node, Express and Pug

Programming Web Applications with Node, Express and Pug

Jörg Krause

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Learn how to program modern web applications using the full Node.js platform, including Node.js on the server, Express for middleware and routing, and Pug (formerly Jade) to simplify the creation of views.Node.js is the foundation of all full JavaScript apps and p… weiterlesen


  • VerlagAPRESS
  • SpracheEnglish
  • ISBN9781484225110
  • GTIN139781484225110
  • Erschienen20.12.2016


<b>Jörg Krause</b> has been working with software and software technology since the early 1980’s, beginning with a ZX 81 and taking his first steps as a programmer in BASIC and assembly language. He studied Information Technology at Humboldt Universit… weiterlesen


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