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Posted on 27.11.2018

AI is the technological sensation today. All the industries are setting their foot into this marvel to check how best it can serve their purpose. The evolution of AI brings along many major innovations and changes to the present as well as the upcoming technologies. Undoubtedly, its impact is gonna shake off the very roots of technology that is built till today. And Yes, we must be concerned about the advances AI is taking into. Where it is taking us, its very roots, in-depth detail, future concepts and consequences all together discussed in detail in one to one interviews by Martin Ford. Learning the truth behind AI, through one of the brightest minds of the AI Community, Martin Ford through his technological marvel "Architects of Intelligence." In this book Martin Ford goes deep answering questions like; what will its impact be on the job market, economy, and society? What is the path toward human-level machine intelligence? What should we be concerned about as artificial intelligence advances? With 23 world renown AI experts. An awesome eBook to read and share.

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