Profilbild von Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek Sharma

Posted on 7.8.2018

Verne's imagination is grand & the plot is silly and almost kid-like. But absurd it ain't. It is fun exactly because there is a Topsy turfy madness to visiting places just to prove a point. It is fun because it is rife with interesting observations, factoids, themes that in Verne's day were barely in development. There is romance, the plot is thick with well... things happening, a ticking clock looms a large shadow, and a velocity is masterfully established that seems almost incredibly doable-- the reader wants to experience this Not only has Verne done a tremendous research to write this amazing account, it's also can be seen from the story that he, himself, is a man of adventure and traveller. His prowess as a yachtsman is easily perceivable by reading the whole account of the magnificent journey of Phileas Fogg and his companions through the seas of the world. After reading it, I'm sure you will want to make a great trip and took a year off to follow in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg! ;)

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