Profilbild von Nina


Posted on 12.9.2021

After reading It Happened One Summer and not being able to read part two of this series right away, I had to get my Tessa Bailey fix elsewhere. The decision which of her books I should read next was not an easy one as she has written so many, but eventually I decided on this one right here. The cover looks absolutely adorable and from just looking at it, you would never be able to guess the sheer amount of spice that is hidden between these covers. Georgie is such a vibrant and sweet character and it was wonderful to watch her find her own voice and stand up for herself and those she loves. Travis was a good match for her and I enjoyed their banter and how she called him on his bullshit very much. The spicy scenes were not as good as the ones in It Happened One Summer, but the sexual tension between Georgie and Travis were top notch. I really like the easy and flowing writing style of the author and how she can make her readers really feel all the things the characters are feeling. I guess I'll have to start the next book right away!

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