Profilbild von bookfairy95


Posted on 1.9.2020

I expected to like this book, because of all the great reviews, but it didn't really do much for me. Somehow the conversations felt so weird for me.. like this one dialogue: "We won't be bastards anymore!" - "Aww, you'll always be our bastards." Who talks like that? I mean, I know it's supposed to be meant in a loving and somewhat cute way, but I just can't get warm with it. A thing I don't like about the main character Molly: How she constantly puts herself down. Everyone has insecurities, but thinking about how "fat" you are the entire time does not help you in the least to overcome your insecurities. In the first few pages this was mentioned multiple times already and I hate when people think so negatively about their appearance all the time. I didn't really like Cassie to be honest and how she tried to force Will on Molly. It's so weird. Just leave her be, she'll find her own way. She obviously found the courage the speak with Reid and I like how these two act with each other and that Molly is developing a crush for him without really noticing. And that Cassie forcing Will on her would just complicate things? I already knew that. It wasn't much of a surprise. What was a surprise, however, is how stupid Molly behaved when she thought Reid likes Olivia. I mean, yes, of course this hurts! But the scene at the gazebo? That was just awkward and somewhat dumb. She didn't even like him. What the hell? And Will's explanation for his previous behaviour!!! "Oh, yes, sorry for misleading you so badly." I mean, sure, Molly probably was just really naive and everyone trying to set them up was probably influencing her thoughts, but still. At least Mina should have known him enough to make the situation clear. Being best friends and all. In the end Molly and Reid were kinda cute together, but it was all so rushed. First, she has a crush on him but denies it constantly and then she thinks he might not like her back, but then he does and everyone is happy. Oh and the last scene with crush number 7? So convenient...🙄😧

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