Profilbild von bookfairy95


Posted on 31.8.2020

4.5* This one was slow in the beginning. And I knew Shea’s books start slow - The Wicked Deep also started this way - but I had to take a little break. I needed something more fast-paced. When I came back to Winterwood though, I flew through it! Winterwood is dark, mysterious and atmospheric. Exactly what I love! The narrative was beautiful. Oliver’s chapters I liked a little more than Nora’s simply because I loved seeing Nora from his perspective. Nora’s chapters were much more magical though. It felt as though Nora wasn’t really part of what was going on. Like, she witnessed everything from very far away. Like she wasn’t really involved. And that isn’t a negative point for me. It’s a positive one, because in my opinion this is part of the wonderful atmosphere in this book and it shows just how different and how extraordinary Nora is! The world-building was good as well! Especially in standalone novels the world-building is difficult. And in Winterwood it was flawless. Just great! And the story itself? The mystery? That was great! I never would have though that things would turn out this way and I loved how Nora dealt with it in the end and that ending?! I loved it!!!!

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