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Posted on 21.8.2020

L.J. Shen just released the first book of a whole new series called The Boston Belles. * And yep, she did it again! She totally surprised me :) This book wasn't was I expected. But in a positive way. * First of all, I do a little introduction: Hunter Fitzpatrick is Vaughn's and Knight's best friend, that's why we heard about him in the ALL SAINTS HIGH series as a side character. THE HUNTER is mostly the same timeline as BROKEN KNIGHT and ANGRY GOD (side note: which I can also highly recommend). And I was super happy about the appearance of some characters from Todos Santos. Thanks for that Leigh 😘 * Hunter is in comparison to his friends a whole different guy and I immediately fell for him (YES. The Betas were right. Again 🙈) He's a playboy through and through with a dirty mouth. But I really liked his antics. But deep inside he built a wall around his heart. It's time to meet the girl, who's supposed to tear this wall down. Sailor Brennan is Troy's and Sparrow's (from L.J. Shen's Book Sparrow) 18 year old daughter. And I can't tell you, how absolutely grateful I am about the interconnection between Leigh's books. Sailor is a tough, brave and strong young woman with focus in her live. She's an athlete with one goal and her priority is neither college nor boys. Then Hunter and Sailor had to become roommates and everything begins to change. * Like every other L.J. Shen book, I devoured THE HUNTER. I enjoyed the banter between Hunter and Sailor, because it wasn't vicious and mean. It was more like teasing each other. And of course it was hot as hell. You know, Hunter is kind of a god in bed. As this book is the first in a new series, you were introduced to the other Boston Belles. They are four girls namely Sailor, Persephone, Emmabelle and Aisling. I really can't wait to ready their stories. And I'm 100% sure, Leigh's gonna surprise us again with another amazing, breathtaking and heartbreaking story. * I just have one teeny tiny critical point: I wished there were a bit more of Troy in this book like a parental POV as in ASH series. But that's okay. Maybe in one of the next books, because I really hope that Sam (Sailor's brother) is going to be one of the heroes. * Leigh you totally earned 5/5 ⭐️ * PS: I appreciate the Gaelic :)

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