2.5Stars Now, I finally also read this book and what should I say? I didn't love it... I really wanted to like this and before I go into my review, I want to say that I respect the author for writing this book, because the topic is definitely important and I am sure it wasn't easy writing about this topic. However... the execution just wasnt good. The characters felt flat to me and basically had no development or I just didn't see the development. Anyway in the end I felt like they were all the same than in the beginning. Especially Starr. Maybe with one exception though: DeVante. I actually enjoyed his character the most and I loved his ending in the story and how he actually grew and developed. Another I didn't like or maybe just didn't get (probably because English isn't my mother tongue) was the slang. Most of the time I just didn't get what they wanted to say. (Or maybe it was also because I listened to the audiobook in this one?) There were also things that Starr said and did that were probably supposed to be funny (like when she Beyonced Chris), but to me they weren't funny at all. The only time I really felt emotional was when Khalil got shot and when the protests happened. These were written great! Also I find that a few of the characters were exaggerated, like Hailey. Her being so completely ignorant, especially towards her friends feelings felt like too much. After all what kind of friend says "get over it" when their friend's feelings are hurt. It doesn't even matter WHAT you say, be it racists or not, but I don't think that a friend would really react like this when they see the other person's feelings are hurt. Maybe its because the author wanted to make Hailey this really big bitch, but yeah, I thought it was exaggerated... And some things Starr got mad about and even some things Starr said felt not right either. I'm not even talking about the things many other people say, like that Starr is apparently racist herself - I didn't see that. What I mean is how she just pushes everyone away from her. She has these two personalities, she isn't completely honest with her friends and boyfriend, but when someone (Chris) comes up to her and wants to understand and asks her and really tries to get her she justs blocks him, pushed him away and basically says "You don't understand, you will never understand, but honestly I don't want to go through the trouble of explaining and telling you how I feel either." And that was so unfair... like Chris apparently is a good guy, he really wants to understand her thoughts and she's pissy about the fact that he wants to understand? I absolutely didn't understand this... So, yeah, I wanted to like this book, but I didn't. I guess I will have to search for other books about this topic now...