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A Beautiful Book Blog | Jasmin

Posted on 7.6.2020

Man, I love this world Devney Perry created so, so much! This small town in Montana really has a special place in my heart now, as well as all the great characters. They have each others back, no matter what and I seriously don’t see a point when I will ever get tired of that series. I was excited for Presleys story since the end of book two, Riven Knight. I mean how can you not be excited about it considering the way things end with Presley and Jeremiah. Anyways, because of the fact what happened with Jeremiah ‚forgetting‘ about his own wedding, Presley has build up some walls around her, and to be honest I didn’t like her much in the beginning because she was just so rude, especially towards Shaw even tho he was nothing else than sweet to her. Sometimes I feel like she doesn’t like herself THAT much but the more you read the book, and learn about her story you get why she acts the way she does. Speaking of Shaw, he‘s by far my favorite hero Devney has ever created. He‘s such a sweetheart, so loving and caring, and even tho he‘s a famous actor he’s very much down to earth andd the fact that he was a cop before he became an actor is freaking hawt. The story is well plotted and keeps you on the edge of your seat. It’s the Perry magic I love so much, she has that touch of suspense in her stories what makes it impossible to put the book down. Please don’t ever stop using that magic! I‘m really looking forward to the next book now!

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