Profilbild von lilly


Posted on 4.6.2020

After reading the first book twice, the second one finally came out and it was something completely different. New location, new people and new plot. Most of the time, the second book is worse than the first, but this was not the case here. The first book fascinated me because it was very simple but still with everything you could want. And then the second one was ... more. Erin Beaty took everything from her first part again and made more; more drama, more conspiracy, more secrets and more Sage and Alex. It is totally different from the "The Traitor's kiss" but still, in my opinion, just as good. Just like in the first part, there were small pieces of other perspectives that turned the whole plot once through 180 ° and turned until you didn't know what you could still believe or what you couldn't believe. What maybe annoyed me a bit was that Alex started trying to protect Sage more than before and always kept secrets from her. All in all it was a great book and is one of my favorites.

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