Profilbild von Merle


Posted on 26.5.2020

(probably a very controversial review, please don't hate me) 1,5 stars I don't even know what to say. The problem with not reading the blurb of a book is that you won't have an idea what it is about. I usually like that. In this case, it left me confused. I love queer representation in books, I enjoy books with unique writing, even books with a lot of sexually explicit content are books I read. Some people call this a literary masterpiece, I call it a mess of obsessive thoughts. Because yes, obsession (with another person) is supposed to be a main theme in this book. But surely guys think about other things than the person they have a crush on and their bodies? But apparently, Elio only has one feeling and desire, and that's Oliver. If I had to summarize Elio's thoughts in one word, it would be apricock. (yes, that's a word in this book). I found most of the passages in the first three sections of the book very perverted. I think the book is problematic. Because of reasons listed above, but also the underage relationship with the age difference (17 & 24). Don't "age is just a number"-me. I know it is, but I feel like Oliver abused his maturity and power over Elio here. The last and final section of the book is the only reason why I didn't give this book 1 star. Those last pages are what I call a literary masterpiece. The message it portrayed is unique, and I really enjoyed reading about grown-up Elio and Oliver. But overall, I didn't enjoy this book. And if you realize while reading that you don't enjoy it: leave it be. The ending is not worth the struggle in this book. That means a lot from me, the person who has never actively dnf'd a book. Another fact I want to add is that once again, famous LGBTQ+ literature was written by a non LGBTQ+ author. I firmly believe that representation matters and that in first place, the voices of authors from INSIDE the community should be heard first. They should be the referents of the movement. (and both of the actors in the movie apparently are white and straight too, but that's another discussion)

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