Profilbild von buzzyreadingbee


Posted on 23.5.2020

Guys... this series. Everything is just so wholesome. Episode 2 starts witch Charlie crying and clenching onto his teddy (which had me WEAK). Tears on the first pages? Alright, Ms Oseman, I'm strong enough. Luckily, throughout the book the whole grace and beauty of Nick's and Charlie's relationship evolves. These two are just so, so cute. Nick's mom reacting to her son being bi was so heartwarming as well! I just love how the story radiates positivity without leaving out the hard aspects of being a queer young person. Alice Osman just created a story about life which I'm sure many people out there resonate with. After all, there is indeed one negative aspect I have to mention: it's over too fast! I need at least 1000 pages per episode! No, just kidding. I simply could flip through these pages all day, admiring the cute art style and the conversations - I especially enjoy the phone convos, they're super cute - and falling in love with Nick and Charlie. I might wait a little before getting my hands on the third episode, just so I have something to look forward to!

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