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Posted on 21.4.2020

i cried for thirty minutes straight and i sure will do it again if i think about the last hundred pages. i'm shocked and i can't think but i know that this book is worth an oscar and no, i don't care about the fact that it isn't a movie. this was everything. i loved evelyn hugo - she is such an interesting character, deeply flawed but aware of it and so confident. i really believe she somehow gave me a bit of her energy through the pages. this book dealt with so!!! many!!! important!!! topics, i can't believe taylor jenkins-reid really covered every single one of them so good. because it covered such a wide time span, i loved to see how society changed. evelyn was by far the best character - of course - but i really loved most of them. i feel like i'm the only one who wasn't really surprised by some plot twists but that doesn't make the story worse for me. the last thing to add before i go listen to my old-hollywood-playlist/cry again is that i reallyreallyreally want a emerald gown now.

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