Profilbild von Merle


Posted on 17.4.2020

„Don’t let the bastards grind you down“ 4,5/5 🌟 I finally, finally got around to reading this book! After seeing being praised everywhere, watching the tv series and then having the book sit around my shelves for a couple of months, I finally finished it. I found it quite hard to get into the story because of the lack of quotations marks, and the lack of information given about the plot. I guess it really helped me that I watched the show before and knew more stuff about how Gilead works, how it was installed and their vocabulary (And I was pleased to see that the series is very close to the book, besides the ending - the series continues where the book leaves us wanting more). Other than that, I enjoyed Atwood‘s style of writing very much. It’s captivating and words brilliantly chosen, not sugarcoating the brutal not-so-impossible dystopian world. Powerful and devastating at the same time, I think it’s a book everybody should read. Because I thought we were over suppressing women, but apparently, we are not. This book shows you how quickly it can all downhill, so let’s take it as an account how we don’t want our society to be.

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